Calling all schools, community centres, heritage centres, associations and any organisation keen to connect with Singapore’s history and our phenomenal women!

We would love to help you organise exhibitions and other events based on the amazing lives and inspiring stories of the women in our Hall of Fame. Those who have been to our Hall of Fame events have never failed to be impressed by the vision, courage, talent and dedication of these pioneering and outstanding women.

We have posters and other exhibition material ready for use, and we can arrange for speakers and other resources.

For our travelling exhibition, we request an honorarium of $200 per exhibition. This will go to the transportation and maintenance of our materials. 

Contact us at or 6837 06111 for more information.



We have a framed poster with the profile and some pictures of every woman in the Hall of Fame. These posters can be made available for exhibitions or related events focusing on the history of women in Singapore and their achievements and contributions.

We can provide all the posters, or just those relating to specific categories or themes (such as politics, health, sports and so on) or to specific women (such as the alumna of a school).

We can also work with you on quizzes and other interactive features to make the exhibition truly memorable.

An example of the posters



We get a real kick from conducting talks for students about the amazing women in our Hall of Fame. There is so much to tell them – how the pioneering women had to overcome all kinds of obstacles just to get an education, or to pursue their passion in the arts or in sports. And the students seem to enjoy the talks as much as we do. Take a look at some of their comments below.

A talk held at CHIJ Secondary School.

Here’s what some students had to say after attending the Hall of Fame talk and exhibition:

“The SWHF has inspired me to step out of my comfort zone and do things to make a difference to others. I don’t have to aim to do great things; I can start with small things done out of love to impact those around me. The Hall of Fame has shown me that not only great men like Mr Lee Kuan Yew can leave a legacy – we women can make a difference too!” – Claire Tay, Sec 2, CHIJ

“After listening to the talk and visiting the exhibition featuring old girls of IJ who have been inducted into the SWHF, I felt a strong sense of inspiration and confidence. This whole experience has made me realize that all women can achieve anything, as long as they have the will and passion within their hearts to chase their dreams fearlessly.” – Stacey Gan, Sec 3, CHIJ